Character Development - Shukaku

During the development of my prototype/demo, I have to narrow down and develop some of the characters that I created for my school project.  One of these characters is the character of Shukaku.

In  the game, Shukaku is your mentor figure who helps you and guides through the unknown world of the Yokai.

You first meet shukaku in the caverns in which he calls home which is being harrased by the Tanuki's Eternal Rivals : The Kitsune, the sly fox yokai.

Shukaku is based of the Shukaku of Japanese Folklore from the folktale "Bunbuku Chagama". 

Shukaku is typically either a monk, a tanuki pretending to be a monk or tanuki who transforms into a teapot. 

By Mrs. T. H. James (Kate James) author/translator 1845–1928; Yoshimune Arai (新井芳宗) 1863‐1941 - James, Mrs. T. H.; Yoshimune Arai (illustr.) (1886) The Wonderful Tea-Kettle, Japanese Fairy Tale Series, T. Hasegawa, no. 16, Public Domain,

The design of my Shukaku is based on the various depictions of shukaku as a teapot while his role in the game is inspired by the monk iterations of the story. 

 You can learn more about Shukaku by visiting Matthew Meyer's where you can learn more about other kinds of Yokai.

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